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8 Lucky Indoor Plants for the New Year

Updated: Mar 6, 2022

Here are my top 8 lucky plants for indoors! With the new year coming, it's time for us to fill our home and workplace with lucky Feng Shui plants!

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Why You Need Lucky Plants in Your Life?

Lucky plants are an excellent accessory for your home and office and attract things like financial success, good luck healing, or fertility. According to feng shui, living plants invite the positive energy of nature into one’s space. We all know plants can be nourishing and healing; Feng Shui Plants are believed to be auspicious in different aspects of life.

Get Lucky with These Plants

These are really easy beginner plants that require little care. Take a look at the following lucky plants.

1. Money Tree (發財樹)

8 Lucky Plants for Indoor Money Tree Pachira

This pet-friendly tree, as evident from its name, is supposed to bring you financial success. These trees come with a distinctive leaf pattern that looks like a hand or an umbrella. The braided trunk is said to be able to trap fortune within its folds, and it is usually good luck to have 6 leaves on the plant. You can place the plant on any desk that is not too high or low, where it can get bright but indirect light. Keep the air humidity high around the plant.

2. ZZ Plant (金錢樹)

8 Lucky Plants for Indoor ZZ Plant

The leaves of this plant resemble the coins that were used in ancient China. The structure of a ZZ plant looks like the coins being stringed together. The shiny leaves of the tree go from bright green to emerald green when they mature. The stem starts thick and bulbous at the base and tapers to a point on the top.

Like most money-related plants, you don’t need to put it in too high of a place. It is well suited to bright to low lighting and makes sure to water the plant only when the soil has dried out.

3. Jade Plant (玉樹/翡翠木)

8 Lucky Plants for Indoor Jade Plant

Jade plants have been symbolic of good luck and prosperity for centuries. Although they are not pet-friendly, these succulent house plants are easy to care for. Do not let your jade plant sit in standing water and place it somewhere on your desk. These plants have thick and succulent leaves. In case it grows in a tree-like form, it can develop woody stems over time.

4. Pilea (鏡面草)

8 Lucky Plants for Indoor Pilea

Although these are not traditional feng shui plants, people, especially the Chinese, loved them for their ability to bring in wealth and good fortune. The leaves on these plants look like tiny coins, which make them look cute.

5. Bamboo Plant (富貴竹)

8 Lucky Plants for Indoor Lucky bamboo

Bamboo plants are very popular and are said to represent strength, resilience, and prosperity. The various number of stalks in a bamboo plant symbolizes different things. Although you can use as many stalks as you want, it is better to see which arrangement suits your goal.

You can either grow it on soil or in water. It must be kept out of direct sunlight and watered when the top layer of the soil starts to get dry.

6. Bromeliad (鴻運當頭)

8 Lucky Plants for Indoor Bromeliad

The Bromeliad is named after a Chinese wordplay and symbolizes that good fortune is arriving. The flowers of this plant come in many fun colors like yellow, red, and purple. The broad leaves of the plant grow around a central “cup”. The plant’s soil can be left relatively dry, but you must fill the cup shape of the Bromeliad to sufficiently water it.

7. Peace Lily (一帆風順)

8 Lucky Plants for Indoor Peace Lily

This plant is believed to have healing and cleansing powers and is known for its white flowers. They are big foliage plants that can get up to 3 feet tall. The ideal lighting for these plants comes from east-facing windows, which are not under direct sunlight but still bright enough. However, do not let them stay in standing water. They are not pet-friendly and can be found in most stores.

8. Orchid (蘭花)

8 Lucky Plants for Indoor Orchid

Orchids are one of the most popular plants, primarily due to their distinctive flowers. They grow on trees and symbolize unity, fertility, and abundance. Caring for orchids can be tricky, so it is best to start with some beginner orchids like Moth Orchids. Orchids cannot survive in soil because they latch onto trees and need good air circulation for the roots to stay healthy. According to Feng Shui placement, it thrives best near a door and in a bright spot.

For my full list of lucky plants, click this link for live houseplants available on Amazon.

Lucky Plants Video| Feng Shui: Health, Wealth & Prosperity


With lucky plants, the most important thing is their location as it will boost positive energy. With the pandemic and the grim situation worldwide, a lucky plant can definitely increase the positive energy in your home and within yourself.

Hope these plants give you luck for the new year! Leave a comment if you have any unanswered questions. I'll try my best to answer them.

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NYC-based plant and interior stylist where to help you create a jungle oasis! You can also talk to me about cats and plants~

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