"The Purr-fect Plant" - Feline Jungle of June 2020 Winner
Cat's Name: Pablo
Owners: Michelle
Location of The Feline Jungle: Spain
Instagram: @michelle_hoyas
A Little bit about Michelle's and Pablo's Feline Jungle
My feline jungle includes 5 cats and 100+ Hoyas and a few other plants. This photo is only of Pablo (our Spanish cat) but we also have 2 cats that came with us from USA to live in Vietnam (Biscuit and Butters). While in Vietnam we adopted 2 more cats (Mekong and Stumpy). We have since all moved to Spain where we adopted Pablo. Now the whole feline jungle will move to Germany together next month.
The trick to become "The Purr-fect Plant"
Pablo makes the Purr-fect Plant because is he so young and curious. He loves to be involved in everything, especially my plants. Once I put the plant on the floor it only took a little coaxing with a toy for Pablo to poke his head through the Hoya Australis 'Lisa'.
A Little bit more Pablo and @michelle_hoyas